Live events
that drive
revenue growth

Bring your strategic value to the table and elevate
thought leadership with the target audiences that
that enable transformational business outcomes.
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Delivering outcomes is
the key to a successful
live event…

Targeted shared learning

Demonstrate your expertise to decision makers who are looking to accelerate solutions for key digital transformation projects.

Pipeline acceleration

Elevate access to industry leading decision makers looking for innovative technology solutions, securing next stage conversations and tangible pipeline opportunities.

Close your GTM gap

Harness the power of face-to-face engagement to amplify your GTM messaging and reduce the collaboration gap with your priority accounts.

The journey

  • Pre-event
  • During the event
  • Post event
Let our team take the stress out of venue selection, registration and the visitor onboarding journey, so you can focus on delivering a powerful discussion with value for both you and your executive attendees.

Create the perfect closed-door live environment to invite your exact target audience and deliver an impactful message focused on themes relevant to your technology solutions.
Inspire new ways of thinking with facilitated conversation guided by our expert hosts, enabling executives to get to the core of the issue.

Accelerate your business objectives through in-depth discussions with senior executives in an impactful space, focused on your core themes and solving shared challenges.
Convert the conversions you had into pipeline with support from our Post-Event Meetings Service accelerating your GTM strategy forward with interested senior executives.
Start your journey

You'll be in good company

GDS Live Events

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Start your event journey today

Get in touch to speak to us about your project requirements.

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